

I am happy to welcome you to the site of Hakomi Educational Resources, and my personal site; Greg Johanson, the director of HER.
Within these pages I hope you will find helpful information that orients you to what I consider experiential, effective, in-depth, spiritually consistent therapy, teaching, training, consulting, workshops, and resources offered by myself and others through HER, as well as links to many other complimentary and affiliate modalities and practitioners who likewise foster integral growth and healing in our time. 
When I use the term “integral” I mean it in the sense of philosopher Ken Wilber’s four-quadrant-full spectrum theory that takes seriously issues of individual consciousness, behavior and biochemistry, while simultaneously honoring the cultural values and social structures within which they are embedded and inseparable. The best chances for growth, development, and healing on an individual or corporate level come when the most elements of a total system are addressed.
There are applications outlined in this site to
  • Individuals
  • Couples
  • Families
  • Groups
  • Businesses
  • Organizations
  • Churches
Due to the extensive offerings and resources included, I recommend you look at the “site map” for an overall orientation to what is found within.
My work and that of HER are integrative and open ended. That means I value dialoguing and networking with many others. I hope you will free and welcome to contact us, both to take advantage of the services offered, and to discuss how we can better move forward into the future with increased hope and helpfulness.
Thank you for visiting our site that is often updated. Check for “NEW since (date)” on the home page.
Peace and every good wish,
Hakomi Educational Resources
Gregory J. Johanson, Ph.D., Director
2523 West Lunt
Chicago, Illinois 60645-3201
United State of America
(773) 338-9606
Lagoon at Indian Boundary Park across the street from


 website design gregjohanson.net Copyright © 2016  Hakomi Educational Resources